This is my first solo exhibit, and encompasses my work of the last five years. With only a camera, I started in 2004, with aspiration to model my art exhibits after GAUDI, from a brochure I saw from an exhibit in Europe. So far, this has been successful, as on September 11, eleven people came by to view the gallery, with comments like this reminds me of Gaudi, Ansell Adams, Guess. It helps if one is interested in the professional art of photography if you could work for a magazine and take photographs that are both pristine and professional with a quality of a magazine ad. I look for this in my digital work, although none of the images exhibited this year are digital. All are analogue, without any computer enhancements.
With all the world hads to offer there is much to be photographed, and you can become overwhelmed by the number of photographers, particularly on Flickr, a worldwide repository for photos. I am always encouraged by the delicacy of the fact that every photo is different and every photographer sees a different angle and dimension of life. I have always sought to benefit the disabled community with my work, and this exhibit is dedicated to VTEA Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association, in Langley where I volunteered with the horses and disabled children for three years. The photo I took in the barn there will be given to them at the end of the exhibit as a donation.
I have always enjoyed working with the disabled on horses, teaching them to ride, and appreciate their ability to contribute and give back to the community in whatever way they are able. Whatever our condition, we are always in the position of finding someone with less resources and benefitting them with our talents for the betterment of humanity. Thus a humanitarian cause: one which does not discriminate, but equates all with deservedness of the service.
In good faith,
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