The practice of divination as a means of aquiring direction and knowledge has been practiced from before medieval times, in fact, the sacred means of aquiring wisdom are mentioned several times in the old testament of the Bible. The stones Urim and Thummim are used by the priesthood as lots, to divine the direction to take in their leadership of the people. These stones are also mentioned in the book 'The Alchemist', a story about a young Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who is seeking his life's treasure. Whether God reveals to people the future remains a question in this book ... "God only rarely reveals the future. When he does so, it is only for one reason: it's a future that was written so as to be altered." The boy learns to recognize and respond to omens as a means of communication between himself and the spiritual world.
How the spirit world communicates with man is a lesson that is learned over a lifetime, and to be successful in the spirit world is not necesarily of the things that make one rich in a worldly sense. What is your spiritual identity, and your role in a spirit world that is invisible and dependent on capturing the eyes of your heart and your imagination?
Some find that answer in religion, but religion without the creativity of love and application of its precepts is a dead church. When we examine the spiritual world along with nature, and the beauty that God has placed around us in music, dance, art, writings, and prayer we find a mosaic that is bound together by love and trust, that resonates in response to good character and morality. To sing a song you must remember it, so it is written on your heart. In the Bible they told young men to write the words of God on the tablet of their hearts. This speaks of a tradition of leadership based on theology, handed down over centuries to become the integrity of today.
It must be said that Christianity is rarely in favor of divination, and condemns this idea in the Bible as occult, but instead reverts to a relational means of aquiring direction and wisdom, to be friends with the Creator is to receive positive instruction. It depends on the written word of biblical instruction, pastors and leadership to guide and direct people who are said to be like sheep.
The Oracle by Emily Isaacson, is an inspired book written by a modern day poet and prophet. It is one of five books in the collected work 'The Fleur-de-lis', coming to bookstores this December. This may be a book that can provide direction and wisdom, opened to any page, as it was written for the guidance of one particular person and people group in the face of contemporary and very secular society. Dedicated to Prince William and the First Nations, it has five poetry selections in three volumes, written to recapture the spirit of a nation in peril: her homeland Canada.
'The Fleur-de-lis' enters with The Laurel Wreath , which is 222 poems in 22 sections: St. Augustine's formula. From beginning to end, it tells of human nature and our part in refining the soul for the spirit's benefit; in a postmodern sense it may be a revolution against the modern world, and contradictory to modern thought. However, it paints the poet's diametrically ordered and established world, offers perspective and waxes philosophic over poetic. With rarely a meter or rhyme, the poetry is like modern day song that superceded the hymn and hymnal.
Very Truly,
[Painting: Consulting The Oracle, by J.W. Waterhouse]
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