Seize the day, or Gather ye rosebuds while ye may...
take care to realize your destiny, training to achieve your full potential. Practice your scales, stand at the barre, twirl your baton, swim your laps. Everything is useful for self-discipline, in the grueling pace and race of life.
From the moment your alarm goes off in the morning until your head hits the pillow at nighttime, recite each moment as having meaning: in the way of the Celtic tradition, having a soul and the substance of a prayer. When we couple the daily monotonous events and rituals of life, sometimes menial, forever repetitious, with song and prayer, the moments become sacred and cherished. The essence of relationship forms, with both the divine nature, and those around us.
Music is composed note by note, understanding is built word by word, transcendence is reached prayer by prayer. And a home is built on good memories and cherished moments with the people we love and care for. When we gather them as rosebuds, we have a bouquet to adorn the table, a jar of potpourri, a fragrant perfume, a drawer sachet.
People enjoy the sea, yet they are cautious of her power, her unceasing rhythm, her roar of stinging salty grey which could pull one out to the depths and watery grave. Yet we worship in her fury, unceasing as the cords of death, we worship in her shadow. The sea is our mother and we cherish her power and her moons of plenty; her seashell harvest, and kelp washed beach of bleached driftwood.
The sea is like the unicorn, vast and beyond our imagination, both myth and legend. It is like the lion shaking his salty mane. Home of the whale and the starfish, a desert of blue and milky tide. The beginning of an embryo is unlike the minute life of the sea, in its fluid like a small universe. We dare not transgress against its miniature life, its small form, its tiny shadow--fluttering heart. To care, to shelter this life against the storm, is in essence to save one's life against the sea in our macrocosm. When the smallest unit of our life and humanity on earth has value, it is imparted to everyone and all are welcome and received. This small child is not weak or poor, still shaping its constitution and powers, but has nothing to give until its journey into life is complete.
Don't forget to love life unto birth, carpe diem ...